Tailor Your Exclusive Membership

With CouponMiles, you'll always be the first to know. The first to test, try, and select the finest products, the premium services, and the exclusive offers from the brands you admire and the brands the world will soon idolize. But more importantly, you will be compensated for your insight with travel rewards. With every CouponMiles experience, you will receive flyer miles.

With the anticipation of CouponMiles coming soon, we need to understand your preferences. We want to design an exclusive membership program that provides the value you deserve but we need your input!

Man holding his phone and a coffee on a yacht
Luxury sailboat on the ocean and blue skys

Elevating the Value of Being First

CouponMiles is a miles rewards program that allows individuals to test the market’s new high-end products, services, and offers. It's designed for the global traveler, the one who explores with luxury in mind. It supports those who live in style, always seeking the next new and exclusive thing. With CouponMiles you experience the best, from automobiles and travel to health and beauty and more, and are rewarded for doing so.

CouponMiles was created to redefine the value of a being first. It provides those of grandeur the means to earn flyer miles through their desire for the finer things. A way to invest in your need to travel by being the first to try and learn about new brands, products, and services.